"I’ve asked some people in my neighborhood
where does my soul live
One secret for me
they say you’re keeping, my dear
I’ve asked them to give me back
the time, days, hours,
There’s love scent
in the Spring
they say
Give me birth
at a May dawn
Bathe me
in clear water
I’m keeping a flower
when everybody else leaves
I’m keeping you
for as long as I live
where does my soul live
One secret for me
they say you’re keeping, my dear
I’ve asked them to give me back
the time, days, hours,
There’s love scent
in the Spring
they say
Give me birth
at a May dawn
Bathe me
in clear water
I’m keeping a flower
when everybody else leaves
I’m keeping you
for as long as I live
Steal a bit of sun for us
there’s no tomorrow, no today
It’s easy
when a song finds your heart
Give me birth
at a May dawn
Bathe me
in clear water
I’m keeping a flower
when everybody else leaves
I’m keeping you
for as long as I live."